monopoli bandwith
1). Buka Browser Mozilla Firefox
2). Pada Address Bar Ketik : about:CONFIG
3). Cari string di bawah ini : ( pastikan semua srting dibawah "TRUE")
contoh menggantingnya :
NETWORK.HTTP.PIPELINING FALSE ==> klik kanan dan pilih "Toggle"
4). buat srting baru caranya : Klik Kiri 1X Dimana Saja, Klik Kanan [/b]NEW>>INTEGER[/b]
6). Kemudian REFRESH atau Tekan F5
7). Pada Address Bar Ketik : about:BLANK
Klik Menu:
Untuk OS Linux ( Vector ) EDIT >> PREFERENCES
Untuk Setting yang berbeda di beberapa OS EDIT >>ADVANCED
9). Pada Option :
ALLOW WEB SITES TO INSTALL SOFTWARE Beri Tanda Check Box Untuk mengaktifkan
10).Kemudian Tekan OK Lalu REFRESH ( F5 )
11).Masuk Ke Link Ini :
atau :
12).Download Software SwitchProxy Tool Versi 1.3.4
13).Setelah Selesai Jangan Tekan Tombol UPDATE
14).Klik Tanda X (tutup)Yang Ada Di Pojok Kanan Atas Dari POP UP Window Yang Muncul
15).Tutup Semua Browser Mozilla FireFox,
16).Kemudian Buka Lagi Untuk Mengaktifkan Software SwitchProxy Tool Versi 1.3.4 Yang sudah di Install Tadi
17).Kalo Instalasi Sukses, Akan Muncul Toolbar tambahan Di Bawah Toolbar Navigasi & Address Bar.
Sekarang Browser Mozilla Siap Untuk Digunakan…….
:: Message ::
-- Software SwitchProxy Tool Versi 1.3.4 Ini selain untuk Mengganti Proxy Secara Otomatis Di Browser Mozilla FireFox, Engine-nya Juga Berpengaruh terhadap Kecepatan Koneksi Internet
-- Cara Ini Sangat Efektif Bila Digunakan Di Warnet Yang Padat Pengunjung untuk Menyedot Bandwidth ( Mayoritas kecepatan akses Internet ) Ke Komputer Yang Sedang Anda Pakai
-- Perubahan Yang Signifikan Terjadi Pada koneksi Internet Dengan BROADBAND / VSAT
Klik 2x di settingan dan masukin angka-angka ini - untuk true / false booleans – mereka bakal ganti otomatis begitu klik 2x
browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs – true
network.http.max-connections – 64
network.http.max-connections-per-server – 20
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy – 10
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server – 4
network.http.pipelining – true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests – 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining – true
network.http.request.timeout – 300
network.http.request.max-start-delay = 0
nglayout.initialpaint.delay = 0
If nglayout.initialpaint.delay doesnt exist, Right click, new integer.
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy = 10
network.http.proxy.pipelining = true
network.http.proxy.version = 1.0
Tutup mozilla trus jalanin lagi.
Sekarang Mozilla lo mengGILAAAAAAAAAA!!!.
Settingan ini bikin lo ngedonlot situs dengan amat KESURUPAN, BUT bikin Overload luar biasa ke situs yang lo tuju!
Ga bermaksud apa-apa selain kompi lain yang dapat share internet bakal lemod ABEZZZ gara-gara lo sedot benwidnya!
Next tip:
Disable IPv6 di Firefox buat bikin sejuk kecepatan load page lo!!........ soalnya hamper semua site dah ga make IPv4...........
Buka Firefox.........ketik “about:config” (enter)
cari :Network.dns.disableIPv6
Klik 2x buat ngerubah jadi 'true' trus restart Firefox.
Lo bakal mempercepat akses per page.
Sekarang Firefox bener-bener dah GILAAAAAAAA buat lo!...
nglayout.initialpaint.delay bisa dirubah yg mana aja...bisa 0 bisa 300 ada juga yg set 30...tergantung kebutuhan.....coba 0 dulu...baru nanti kl ga ada perubahan naikan ke 300 atau nilai yg dirasa memuaskan
1. Type: about:config
2. Set:
network.http.max-connections : 64
network.http.max-connections-per-server : 21
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server : 8
network.http.pipelining : true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests : 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining : true
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves. (Copy from TvM)[/code]
For Dial_ip:
browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl : true
browser.xul.error_pages.enabled : true
content.interrupt.parsing : true
content.max.tokenizing.time : 3000000
content.maxtextrun : 8191
content.notify.backoffcount : 5
content.notify.interval : 750000
content.notify.ontimer : true
content.switch.threshold : 750000
network.http.max-connections : 32
network.http.max-connections-per-server : 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy : 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server : 4
network.http.pipelining : true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests : 8
network.http.proxy.pipelining : true
nglayout.initialpaint.delay : 750
plugin.expose_full_path : true
signed.applets.codebase_principal_support : true
Service Laptop | Notebook | Tab | Smartphone | PC desktop | Contact : 081314803710 [whatsApp/sms]
20 August 2007
All About Mozilla Firefox
Cable Dsl
1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit enter. Scroll down and look for the following entries:
2. Alter the entries as follows:
Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"
set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.
More options:
1. Type: about:config
2. Set:
network.http.max-connections : 64
network.http.max-connections-per-server : 21
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server : 8
network.http.pipelining : true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests : 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining : true
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves. (this tutorial from Kaskus Internet&Hacking Forum)
1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit enter. Scroll down and look for the following entries:
2. Alter the entries as follows:
Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"
set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.
More options:
1. Type: about:config
2. Set:
network.http.max-connections : 64
network.http.max-connections-per-server : 21
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server : 8
network.http.pipelining : true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests : 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining : true
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves. (this tutorial from Kaskus Internet&Hacking Forum)
...Linux Corner...
Perintah-perintah di linux
1. Buat Boot disk
[blablabla@localhost]# mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.2.x-yy
"2.2.x-yy" adalah versi dari kernel.
cara ngliatnya ketik "uname -a" di console.
2. Partisi windows di linux
[blablabla@localhost]# mount /dev/hda1 -t vfat /mnt/win
Selanjutnya ketik "unmount"
[blablabla@localhost]# umount /mnt/win
to be continued...
1. Buat Boot disk
[blablabla@localhost]# mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.2.x-yy
"2.2.x-yy" adalah versi dari kernel.
cara ngliatnya ketik "uname -a" di console.
2. Partisi windows di linux
[blablabla@localhost]# mount /dev/hda1 -t vfat /mnt/win
Selanjutnya ketik "unmount"
[blablabla@localhost]# umount /mnt/win
to be continued...
02 August 2007
"Special Operation 85: Hostage Rescue" Iran PC Game...
Iran on Monday launched a computer game with a strong political message that mixes the standoff over its nuclear programme, the mystery of missing diplomats in Lebanon and its hatred of Israel.
Players of the game "Special Operation 85: Hostage Rescue" play the part of a special agent battling to release captured Iranian diplomats and nuclear scientists from the clutches of his US and Israeli foes.
The game has been produced by the Union of the Islamic Students, which was behind the infamous "World Without Zionism" conference in 2005 where President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be "wiped from the map".
"In this game we are not promoting terrorism and violence. By freeing Iranian hostages we are promoting selflessness, devotion and defence of our country," said the group's secretary general Mohammad Taghi Fakhrian.
The eight-level game starts in Iraq, where a young married couple who are Iranian nuclear scientists have been captured by US forces while making a pilgrimage to the Shiite holy shrine in Karbala.
Enter Iranian special operations officer Bahman Nasseri, whose mission it is to save the couple, named Saeed and Maryam, who have now been spirited away to a prison in Iran's arch-foe Israel.
He slips into Israel and locates their prison.
In a twist, here he finds locked away not only the young scientists but also four other Iranians who in real life have been missing since disappearing in northern Lebanon at the height of the civil war in 1982.
There has never been any official confirmation over the fate of three Iranian diplomats and one photographer. But Tehran believes they were handed over to Israel by Lebanese Christian forces and are still alive.
A successful player completes the eight levels by killing US and Israeli soldiers, stealing their laptops which hold secret information and finally liberating the scientists and the diplomats.
A player operates the Iranian-made AK-47 machine gun of special agent Nasseri, making sure it has enough ammunition and then shooting down enemy soldiers who suddenly pop up in the three-dimensional graphics.
The enemy then falls to the ground and Fakhrian then continues his relentless pursuit of his quarry to the sound of pounding electronic music.
Anyone who loses their "life" in the game is spurred on to try again with the words: "With resistance and help you can battle the enemy." An Iranian flag flutters in the top right hand corner throughout.
Fakhrian said that the computer game had been inspired by Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
"The computer games are cultural mediums that have their own positive and negative effects on young people. In our last meeting with the leader he told us to come up with ways to guide our children and students.
"So we went and thought about it and found out that it is computer games which have the most influence on the young people."
Players of the game "Special Operation 85: Hostage Rescue" play the part of a special agent battling to release captured Iranian diplomats and nuclear scientists from the clutches of his US and Israeli foes.
The game has been produced by the Union of the Islamic Students, which was behind the infamous "World Without Zionism" conference in 2005 where President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be "wiped from the map".
"In this game we are not promoting terrorism and violence. By freeing Iranian hostages we are promoting selflessness, devotion and defence of our country," said the group's secretary general Mohammad Taghi Fakhrian.
The eight-level game starts in Iraq, where a young married couple who are Iranian nuclear scientists have been captured by US forces while making a pilgrimage to the Shiite holy shrine in Karbala.
Enter Iranian special operations officer Bahman Nasseri, whose mission it is to save the couple, named Saeed and Maryam, who have now been spirited away to a prison in Iran's arch-foe Israel.
He slips into Israel and locates their prison.
In a twist, here he finds locked away not only the young scientists but also four other Iranians who in real life have been missing since disappearing in northern Lebanon at the height of the civil war in 1982.
There has never been any official confirmation over the fate of three Iranian diplomats and one photographer. But Tehran believes they were handed over to Israel by Lebanese Christian forces and are still alive.
A successful player completes the eight levels by killing US and Israeli soldiers, stealing their laptops which hold secret information and finally liberating the scientists and the diplomats.
A player operates the Iranian-made AK-47 machine gun of special agent Nasseri, making sure it has enough ammunition and then shooting down enemy soldiers who suddenly pop up in the three-dimensional graphics.
The enemy then falls to the ground and Fakhrian then continues his relentless pursuit of his quarry to the sound of pounding electronic music.
Anyone who loses their "life" in the game is spurred on to try again with the words: "With resistance and help you can battle the enemy." An Iranian flag flutters in the top right hand corner throughout.
Fakhrian said that the computer game had been inspired by Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
"The computer games are cultural mediums that have their own positive and negative effects on young people. In our last meeting with the leader he told us to come up with ways to guide our children and students.
"So we went and thought about it and found out that it is computer games which have the most influence on the young people."
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